Thursday, January 27, 2011

Goings on...

There isn't much going on, but I am experimenting with blog changes. I'd love to know what you think. I was better at html on myspace back in the day, but I will adjust to how things are done on blogger... eventually. It is just a matter of time! :) 

In the meantime, let me just say what an amazing thing it is to be alive! I am reminded sometimes that when I was going through full-on depression how little anything mattered and how, more than anything, I had lost 'myself'. These days I would say I can experience genuine, full happiness again, and I am loving it! 

Be warned though, the day will come when I get really candid about that topic and the way it seems to still be such a taboo topic amongst Christians - and even the role of responsibility we have one to another when any of God's children is struggling in this way. When that day comes, do not claim shock, okay? Okay. That's settled.

The week is going by quickly this time around. I am enjoying the company of siblings and nephews and nieces. That dis-arranges schooling a bit, but not in the least harmful way. Even more so, it is great for my girl to have the sibling experience, even if it is vicariously. 

Whatever you have going on right now, no matter how big or small, know that you are loved and worth loving, accepted and worth accepting. This week people have gone on to rest and new babies have entered the world. It is all so much bigger than we are. Instead of worrying about it or trying to plan it out carefully why not breathe a minute and ask God what this single moment should hold. Life is much more enjoyable when you live in the present. :)


  1. Depression is a rough road to walk. Glad you are well again.


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